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uFR Reader Writer on macOS – FTDI drivers and communication permissions tips

uFR Reader Writer on macOS #

FTDI drivers and communication permissions tips #

macOS has a bit different structure than Linux so communication with the reader cannot be enabled with a simple script available for Linux users. Enabling the communication between the software and USB-connected reader varies depending on the macOS version.

The OS versions from Mavericks (version 10.9) and above already have the AppleUSBFTDI driver. The interface is matched to the FTDI kext, that in turn creates a BSD serial port for use at the application layer. The application opens the serial port to communicate with the hardware.
On the other hand, the USB-connected µFR devices implement user client drivers to communicate directly with the device from the user space (FTDI D2XX Driver). Therefore, the communication with the software might be affected by the presence of the AppleUSBFTDI kext. Software applications may fail to open a connection with the hardware because IOKit already has matched the AppleUSBFTDI driver to the device.

The solution in this instance is to unload the AppleUSBFTDI drivers before installing the FTDI D2XX. You may find the installation instructions at

On some macOS versions, there is a possibility that VCP is blocked by the installation of D2xxHelper bundled with an application. VCP and such an application are mutually exclusive. To force using VCP, disable D2xxHelper:

cd /Library/Extensions
sudo mv D2xxHelper.kext D2xxHelper.disabled

To force using D2xx again, rename D2xxHelper.disabled back to D2xxHelper.kext and reboot.

The uFR Reader Writer sample software’s permission to execute also needs to be enabled in the Security & Privacy/General tab.

FTDI Driver Loading for Mac