NTAG & Ultralight software

Source code SDK software for NTAG® 213, NTAG® 215, NTAG® 216, and MIFARE® Ultralight tags

NTAG & Ultralight software with SDK for working with all types of NTAG2xx tags (NTAG213, NTAG215 and NTAG216) and MIFARE Ultralight.

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Software screenshots

1. Starting software – NFC RFID Reader port is closed NFC, NTAG, RFID

ntag ul example 1

2. Reader Port is open – NFC RFID device detected NFC, NTAG, RFID

ntag ul example 2 768x768 1

3. Card information is displayed – Card type (MIFARE Ultralight® in this case) and serial number (UID) NFC NTAG RFID

ntag ul example 3

4. Page address 0 is read and page content is displayed (04 56 F6 2C) NFC, NTAG, RFID

ntag ul example 4

5. Linear read of the card data, starting from user data address 0 with the length of 18 bytes. Data displayed is Digital Logic Ltd. NFC, NTAG, RFID

ntag ul example 5

6. Software for locking NFC card data – Prevention of further data changes. Reader Port is closed NFC, NTAG, RFID

ntag ul csharp 1

7. The reader port is open – the device is detected. NFC NTAG RFID

ntag ul csharp 2

8. Card information is displayed – Card type (MIFARE Ultralight® in this case) and serial number (UID)

ntag ul csharp 3

9. Displaying locked pages with the NFC NTAG RFID “Read lock bytes” function

ntag ul csharp 4