Awards and recognition

Awards and recognition

Many years of work on the development of unique electronic devices has resulted in a series of awards that Digital Logic received in the previous period. We are especially proud of the awards of the Association of Serbian Market Communications for a successful promotional appearance at the 56th International Fair of techniques and technical achievements, as well as a special award 56th International Fair of techniques and technical achievements, for the system Total Wireless Reader.

More attention has caused 2DQR NFC readers, for which we received a special award at the 58th International Fair of techniques and technical achievements, and a special award Unique IT Association of Serbia (JISA).

The city of Požarevac has awarded Digital Logic the Charter for achieved outstanding results and achievements in the field of economy in 2015. The project development of electronic business has been recognized by the professional attitude in communicating with customers and dedication to achieving high standards in electronic commerce and assign Digital-Logic Certified mark of confidence in e-commerce, E-Trustmark!

UEPS Digital Logic
E trustmark Digital Logic
Total wirless reader award
achievement Digital Logic
NFC 2DQR Reader 1
Special recognition Diskobolos