JAVA Cards (CPU Cards)

Digital signing cards with free SDK

The currently developed Java Card SDK is available in the Digital Logic Gitlab repository.

For more details on the provided software support or additional development requests, please contact our technical support.

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DL Signer Cards

Java Card
DL Signer CardsDigital signing contact + contactless cards with SDK DL Signer cards are used for electronic data and document digital signing. The e-signature is stored in the DL SIgner cards with RSA or ECDSA asymmetric cryptographic algorithms. DL Signer cards support PKI infrastructure. It is possible to store X.509 certificates related to pairs of […]

DL Signer Card 30M48CR -Digital signature tool

DL Signer Card 30M48CRDual interface 48k EEPROM contact + contactless card DL Signer cards are intended for the digital signing of data and documents in the cards themselves using RSA or ECDSA asymmetric cryptographic algorithms. DL Signer Card 30M48CR is a dual interface card (contact and contactless) based upon a JC30M48CR java card with 48k […]