Online Store

µFR Nano Online REST Services

In the table below are described all REST services available on µFR Nano Online. The HTTP​ method is POST. Basic Authorization is needed except for /uart1 and /uart2. Username and password are the same as login.

/infoNoneGet configuration info.
/scanNoneGet available WiFi networks.
/togglemodeNoneToggle master/slave mode.
/toggletransparentNoneToggle transparent mode.
/changetransparentNoneChange the transparent device mode.
/changeapSSID, passwordChange device AP SSID and password.
/changehosthostChange master mode host.
/changebroadcastIPChange master mode UDP broadcast IP.
/changeauthusername, passwordChange authorization credentials.
/changestaSSID, passwordConnect to the WiFi network.
/setportport1, port2Change UDP/TCP ports.
/disconnectNoneDisconnect from the WiFi network.
/restartNoneReboot the device.
/toggleserverNoneToggle UDP/TCP protocol. Only in slave mode.
/togglebleNoneToggle BLE Low Energy mode.
/setbaudUART1, UART2Change UART1 and UART2 baud rates.
/setdefaultbaudUARTReset connected µFR device to the default baud rate.
/toggle485NoneToggle UART2 RS485 support.
/setdefaultNoneReset device to factory default settings.
/togglepostNoneToggle master mode POST request.
/togglebroadcastNoneToggle master mode UDP broadcast.
/togglelinearNoneToggle linear read. Only in master mode.
/changelinearmodemodeChange linear read mode (1-8).
/changelinearsizebegin, sizeChange linear read address and size.
/changelinearauthauthChange linear read auto mode (0x60, 0x61…)
/changelinearkeyindexindexChange linear read key index (0-31).
/changelinearkeyHEX stringChange linear read key.
/uart1HEX stringSend HEX string commands to UART1.
/uart2HEX stringSend HEX string commands to UART2.
/tooglebtNoneToggle BLE Serial mode.
/togglesleepNoneToggle Modem sleep.
/updaterequested_fw_versionRequest firmware and update.
/getµFRlistUARTGet µFR Nano firmware list.
/µFRupdateUART, versUpdate µFR Nano. Request /getµFRlist first.
/changeblepinPINChange BLE Low Energy passkey.
/setrtcRTCSet RTC UTC date/time.
/getrtcNoneGET request returns RTC UTC date/time.
/getledNoneGET current LED colors (r1g1b1r2g2b2) in HEX
/setledHEX colors stringSet LED colors
/togglestaticNoneToggle static/DHCP IP address
/changestaticIP, mask, gateway, DNSChange static IP address parameters