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µFR Nano Online OEM Lock/Unlock

µFR Nano Online OEM lock/unlock #

CAUTION: Devices OEM lock and unlock state can only be changed 6 times (unlock -> lock -> unlock -> lock -> unlock -> permanent lock). After that, when you lock it again, the OEM will be permanently locked!!!

This section explains how to OEM lock and unlock the device.

The device is OEM locked by default.

  • If the device is OEM locked​,​ you can install only official firmware.
  • If the device is OEM unlocked​,​ you cannot install official firmware. An unlocked device can be used as a development platform for writing the custom software for ESP-IDF, Arduino, Micropython, and other available platforms for ESP32.

Use the µFR Nano Online flasher one-click – Update tool to lock and unlock the device.

OEM lock #

This section describes how to OEM lock the device.

  1. Run µFR Nano Online flasher one-click – Update tool
  2. Select COM port and click the Connect button
  3. Wait for the connection to be made successfully
  4. Click the button OEM lock
  5. Wait for the locking process to finish
  6. After the process is done, the latest firmware will be installed.

OEM unlock #

This section explains how to OEM Unlock the device.

  1. Open µFR Nano Online flasher one-click – Update tool
  2. Select COM port and click the Connect button 
  3. Wait for the connection to be made successfully
  4. Click the OEM Unlock 
  5. Wait for the locking process to finish 
  6. After the process is done, the ‘hello world’ app will be installed on the device.

***Unlocked device restrictions: ESP32 efuse BLK1 and BLK3 are reserved and cannot be used. Also, flash encryption has to be disabled.

IMPORTANT NOTE: OEM lock and OEM unlock can be triggered up to three times on one device. After that, it is no longer possible to load the firmware. #