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µFR Series Docs

µFR Series devises documentation follows two main points: µFR Series serial communication protocol and µFR Series libraries API. Other documents contain tips on special cases and scenarios of usage.

Scope and Guidelines #

µFR Series devices establish communication with the host over D-Logic’s serial communication protocol, which is described in a separate document in this project folder.
API reference sits on top of that protocol. The purpose of API is to provide much easier and faster programming, much more convenient for developers.
Many complex operations are summarized in a few API functions.
General directions:
if your platform provides any type of serial or VCOM interface you can use API with our library.
If you have a specific approach and/or platform, you should use serial protocol directly.
Please refer to the documents in this project for more details.

Requirements #

Any Open office or similar suite is good for opening the documents. They are intentionally stored as ODT files for the purpose of the user’s convenience.

Updates #

Each firmware, library, or protocol change is and will be documented. Please check them frequently.
A new document named µFR API new (new style, work in progress) is a clean document version in progress.

Download Docs #

Name Last commit
 Adjusting RF analog registers setting on PN512.pdf Revision 1.1 Instructions for using the DL533R
 Configure_Raspbian_for_Raspberry_Pi_3_to_use_Digital_Logic_shield_with_uFReader_RS232.pdf pdf files renamed
 MIFARE_PLUS_DEMO_USER_MANUAL.pdf pdf files renamed
 Machine_Readable_Travel_Documents_(MRTD).pdf pdf files renamed
 Mifare_examples.pdf pdf files renamed
 NFC_Reader_Browser_Extension.pdf pdf files renamed
 NXP_SAM_start_up_guide.pdf pdf files renamed
 Reader_opening – possible_problems.pdf pdf files renamed
 SAM_tools_user_manual.pdf pdf files renamed
 UFR Nano to RGB modules connection.pdf Add document UFR Nano to RGB modules connection
 Using_Android_uFR_Library.pdf pdf files renamed
 Using_uFCoder_dynamic_library_in_MSVC.pdf Add document Using uFCoder DLL in MS Visual C++
 Using_uFR_library_in_Xcode.pdf pdf files renamed
 aes_tester_console.pdf Updated aes_tester_console.pdf document
 nt4h_c_console_example_user_manual.pdf nt4h_c_console_example_user_manual.pdf version 1.2
 uFR Online – Relevant download links.pdf Collection of important documents and software references
 uFR-mf-examples-java_ReaderOpenEx_for_uFR_Nano_Online.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_Advance_Console_Example.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_COM_Protocol.pdf uFR_COM_Protocol.pdf version 1.21
 uFR_NDEF.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_NDEF_Console_Example.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_Nano_RS232_(TTL)_pinout.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_Online – Quick_Start_Guide.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_Online_NFC_Reader – Android_example.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_Online_pins_and_connectors_description.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_Series_NFC_reader_API.pdf uFR_Series_NFC_reader_API.pdf version 2.31
 uFR_Web_API.pdf pdf files renamed
 uFR_desfire_console_C_example.pdf Version 1.7. Desfire EV2 and Desfire Light ECC signature checking added
 uFR_digital_signing_and_verification_tools_rev.1.0_[EN].pdf pdf files renamed
 ufr Arduino LCD wiring v2.pdf Wiring schematic – how to connect uFR Nano RS232 with Arduino Uno and LCD Display
 µFR_Card_Formatter.pdf pdf files renamed
 µFR_Mifare_examples – Android.pdf pdf files renamed
 µFR_NDEF_C#_Example – Tag_locking_&_password_settings.pdf pdf files renamed
 µFR_e-Passport_reader.pdf pdf files renamed

Support and bug reporting #

 If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact us by filling in our form on the contact page.